Artist: Lye
Album: Point of Origin
Label: Self-Produced
Genre: Progressive Metal
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Lye, a progressive metal band from St. Louis, have released their first album Point of Origin, a densely layered and intense album that requires all your attention.
Point of Origin is a fresh release, new blood in the prog-scene that sometimes gets too much lost in virtuosity of the individual members and forgets about the groove in the music. Lye show us progressive metal that is original in its soundscapes, structure and composition, but that nonetheless still tells you a story, and can convey emotions.
Point of Origin is an album you should listen to in its entirety, with the tracks floating into each other in a story with its outbursts and moments of tenderness. The final track “Amends” is a miniature version of Point of Origin – an epic track of 11 minutes.
So what can you expect on Point of Origin: I heard pieces that remind me of Dream Theater's Metropolis Pt. 2 (for example on “Shards of Glass”), bits of the ferocity of In Flames, the melancholy of Opeth and the enstrangedness of Riverside.
An additional strong point of Lye are the versatile vocals of vocalist Nate: from soft whispers, over power vocals and lyrical lines towards a furious brutal metal sound – Nate seems to master it all effortlessly.
To sum this up: Point of Origin is an inspiring, all-absorbing new progressive metal release. Fans of prog: check this out – Lye brings a fresh take on the genre in music that grooves like no other.
[youtube size="480 320" title="Lye – Point of Origin (teaser)" v="TH8unESqmAk"][/youtube]
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