Artist: Twilight Fauna
Album: Grief
Label: /
Genre: black metal
Twilight Fauna, the one-man atmospheric black metal band of Ravenwood, has released Grief, an album that deals with all the stages of grieving and mourning.
On the bandcamp site of Twilight Fauna, Grief is described as an album that is born of great pain, and should be listened to from start to finish. “It is not always pleasant, and you will never be the same after listening. Thank you for allowing me to spread my grief,” is how Ravenwood puts it.
Grief features some very raw black metal in the style of Burzum and Nargaroth, yet focuses on an almost excruciatingly slow tempo, that makes the guitars turn into a blur. The music of Twilight Fauna explores the edge between on one hand deep expression of torment and pain, and on the other hand a blurred cacophony from which it is hard to distinguish any emotion nor soundscape at all.
Twilight Fauna almost sounds like retro black metal. While the black metal scene has evolved into cross-over styles that are easier to produce and listen to, Twilight Fauna goes back to the roots of distorted guitars and screeching vocals. While traditional black metal features some angry blast beats, Twilight Fauna has merged with funeral doom when it came to picking the rhythm for the tracks.
Grief is the story of all the stages of grieving, and the track listing shows the elements of this process: “Isolation”, “Anger”, “Bargaining”, “Depression” and “Acceptance”. Often times the album sounds so personal that it feels as if you are secretly reading someone else's diary or are eavesdropping an intimate conversation. An unsettling experience - although a different one from what Ravenwood seemed to strive for, which is evoking these feelings in the listener.
To conclude: Grief byTwilight Fauna is an uncompromising raw piece of black metal. Listen to it only when you are tr00 and kvlt enough for this work. The album can be purchased through the Bandcamp site of Twilight Fauna.
Take a Listen: Acceptance
[youtube size="480 320" title="Twilight Fauna - Acceptance" v="IiwEayUdzHE"][/youtube]